Current News

Read the latest news about East Toronto Health Partners’ (ETHP) collaborative services, programs and people, and learn more about community health and wellness events hosted by our members.
Featured image for “How ETHP’s Oakridge Health and Harm Reduction Hub became a safe space for people who use substances”
Featured image for “East Toronto Health Partners opens third COVID-19 Immunization Clinic site in East Toronto to increase capacity to administer vaccines to eligible priority populations”
Featured image for “Toronto hospitals and Ontario Health Teams launch COVID-19 vaccine call centre and website”
Featured image for “East Toronto Health Partners opens two COVID-19 Immunization Clinics in East Toronto to increase capacity to administer vaccines to eligible priority populations”
Featured image for “ETHP’s mobile vaccination team to bring COVID-19 vaccines to select settings as part of pilot to administer more than 2,000 doses to East Toronto residents over next two weeks”
Featured image for “#OneEastToronto — Meet Cynthia Wong”
Featured image for “East Toronto Health Partners launches interim online pre-registration form for COVID-19 vaccine appointments for eligible priority populations in East Toronto”
Featured image for “East Toronto Health Partners unveils plan to support low-barrier access to COVID-19 vaccines in East Toronto”
Featured image for “East Toronto Health Partners, Mid-West Toronto OHT and North York Toronto Health Partners launch mobile vaccination pilot at high-risk congregate settings for seniors”