Do you live in Taylor-Massey or Crescent Town? Do you get care in the neighbourhood or look after a friend or family member who lives there? Do you have ideas about how health and social services in Taylor-Massey can be improved or want to share your experience with the healthcare system? If so, East Toronto Health Partners (ETHP) wants to hear from you!
How You’ll Help
Share your comments and suggestions below about health and social services in Taylor-Massey. You can also share experiences you have had as a patient or someone who looks after a friend or family member in Taylor-Massey.
Your feedback will help our staff and Taylor-Massey Residents Wellness Council better understand the concerns and needs of people who live in the neighbourhood. Together, we can improve the way people find and get health and social services in Taylor-Massey.
What You’ll Need
We welcome and encourage feedback from people of all ages, backgrounds and experiences in Taylor-Massey. If you have used health or social services in the neighbourhood, you are someone who has valuable experiences to share!