Robin Griller, Executive Director at St. Michael’s Homes.
We’re pleased to share that Robin Griller, Executive Director at St. Michael’s Homes, has joined the Leadership Team for East Toronto Health Partners (ETHP), the Ontario Health Team (OHT) serving East Toronto, to represent the mental health and substance use sector.
A member of ETHP since it was formed in 2019, Robin and St. Michael’s Homes have played an important role in helping to ensure our OHT is improving care for people with mental health- and substance use-related challenges in East Toronto.
By participating in our substance use and health work to date, Robin has contributed to initiatives such as the Oakridge Health and Harm Reduction Hub, which offers low-barrier access to harm reduction supports, and the Comprehensive Care and Integration Specialist (CCIS) Team, which connect clients to essential services and supports; coordinate follow-up care; and provide case management, counselling and advocacy on housing, legal, financial and immigration issues.
While our partners at WoodGreen Community Services and South Riverdale Community Health Centre have been strong advocates for people with mental health and substance use on our Leadership Team, the addition of a standalone representative from this sector helps ensure our OHT is able to advance integrated care for patients across the full care continuum.
“Robin’s commitment to our partnership and belief in what is possible when we work together across the care spectrum has been evident since we became an OHT,” says Anne Babcock, President and CEO at WoodGreen Community Services and Chair of the ETHP Leadership Team.
“I’m honoured to represent the mental health and addictions sector at the ETHP Leadership Table on behalf of St. Michael’s Homes, and to further support our OHT’s collective work in advancing care for people with mental health- and substance use-related challenges,” Robin says.
“Our OHT was able to achieve so much together during the COVID-19 pandemic, from sharing infection prevention and control best practices to administering vaccines. I’m excited to further apply our collaborative, equity-driven approach to addressing the care needs of some of the most vulnerable people in our East Toronto communities.”
In January, Cynthia Marinelli, CEO at Chester Village, joined the ETHP Leadership Team to represent the long-term care home sector in East Toronto.
The addition of both Robin and Cynthia to the ETHP Leadership Team aligns with the directions outlined in the Ontario Government’s Ontario Health Teams – The Path Forward, which encourages OHTs to include mental health and substance use providers and long-term care homes in decision-making.